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Hind Louali Sheds Light on a Few Career Benefits of Bilingualism


Growth is among the primary objectives of most businesses. The only way a company can scale and achieve success is with the help of its employees. If employees are driven and talented, anything is possible. This is one of the biggest reasons why bilingualism individuals are becoming invaluable to the future of modern businesses. As per Hind Louali French School of Austin-Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau, bilingual individuals often display greater adaptability and flexibility, which are extremely valuable traits in fast-paced and changing work environments of today.

Hind Louali talks about how bilingualism can be advantageous for the career

Bilingualism, or the ability to speak two or more languages fluently, can be a major asset for job seekers of today. Being proficient in more than one language opens many opportunities, both domestically and internationally. There are several types of businesses today that prefer hiring bilingual and multilingual employees in order to reach customers and connect with clients who prefer to communicate in languages other than English. Bilingual jobs are especially common in the sectors that involve a high degree of person-to-person interaction. Bilingual workers are actively sought out in the fields like education, health care, and social work actively seek bilingual workers. Moreover, healthcare centres, hospitals, as well as state and local governments often have to seek multilingual speakers to comply with laws and regulations. Bilingual employees are also often needed by companies that are expanding business globally into diverse markets and require workers who can seamlessly communicate with their global colleagues and customers.

Several languages might be represented among students at a school, patients at a health facility, residents of a multifamily home or clients of an MNC. In all these settings, having staff members who can serve as an interpreter or translator can prove to be invaluable. Language skills are also applicable in several advocacy jobs. Immigration lawyers, for instance, commonly have to communicate with clients who may not speak English.

Hind Louali French School of Austin-Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau mentions that being bilingual or multilingual is steadily becoming a necessary job qualification. Bilingualism is among the most in-demand skills in the modern work environment. Hence, the command of a person in more than a single language can set them apart from the hundreds of other applicants for the job they want.  In the modern, global economy, an increasing number of companies are searching for bilingual and multilingual employees. Moreover, bilingualism can even be advantageous when one does not have to speak their second language in the workplace. Knowing two languages can naturally make the brain more flexible, as switching between two sets of grammar rules, vocabulary, tones, and nuances is a lot of work. Even if a bilingual person speaks only one language, their brain system is likely to activate both language systems, and hence they have to make an effort to focus on the language they need at the given time. This would make bilingual individuals natural at complex mental tasks. This adaptability can make people better at workplace problem solving and quicker at thinking on their feet.

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